Thorin Stonehelm

Mood: Martial.




Attack (x3)

Cut them apart!

There are orc-necks to hew!

Follow me and I’ll keep you alive!

Charge Attack (x3)

Forward, dwarves!

Charge, and do not yield to fear!

Die, fools!

Attack Structure (x3)

Tear down its walls!

Inferior craftsmanship

Bring it crashing down around their ears

Ambushed (x2)

Where did they come from?

Captain! Do you see them?

Call for Help (x1)

I don’t think my armour can take this much longer.

Disengage (x2)

Call off the attack!

The odds are insurmountable

Move to Camp (x2)

We will prepare our next sortie at camp.

Returning to base.

Move to Castle (x2)

Back behind the castle walls!

Rest in the fortress.

Move (x4)

This is the path to victory.

I know a shortcut – this way, Dwarves!

Let me lead the way.

Onward to victory!

Select (x4)

I’m itching for a fight.

Thorin, at your service

I’ll make my namesake proud

When will we move out?

Select in Combat (x2)

This blade will shut you up!

Take that! And that!

Garrison (x2)

Into the tower.

Take shelter inside.

Evacuate Garrison (x2)

Sungliht again.

Back to the field.

Salute (Spawn)  (x1)

I, Thorin, stand for the dwarves of Erebor.

Death Speech (x1)

I have defended my people to the last. I have no regrets.

Respawn (x1)

It will take more than those pathetic scum to defeat me.

Mighty Blow (x2)


Like a blade through air.

Aegis of Erebor (x2)

It’s time for one last stand.

We will attain glory, whether in our life or death.

Stonehelm (x1)

I don my helm. Woe to our enemies!